How to Clean the Voice Coil Gap?

How to Clean the Voice Coil Gap - Featured Image

Cleaning the voice coil gap is indeed essential for a subwoofer speaker. The voice coil gap, the small space between the two coils of wire that drive the speaker, can accumulate dirt, dust, and debris over time.

This buildup can negatively impact the sound quality and potentially cause damage to the speaker components. To maintain optimal sound quality and prevent unnecessary wear and tear, it is essential to clean this area regularly.

With simple tools and a little patience, you can quickly clean the voice coil gap in just a few steps. Let’s dive in!

What Is Voice Coil Gap?

The voice coil gap is a small air gap between the speaker’s magnet and its voice coil. It serves as a precise area for the voice coil to move back and forth, vibrating the diaphragm to produce sound.

The size and design of the gap can vary depending on the speaker design and intended application. Keeping this gap clean ensures optimal performance; dirt or debris can lead to distortion or reduced sound quality.

How Do Dust and Debris Gather Between the Voice Coil Gap?

According to my years of experience, below are the main culprits of having dust and debris between the voice coil cap:

  • Airborne Particles: Dust and small debris in the surrounding environment can find their way into the voice coil gap through speaker openings or vents.
  • Speaker Cone Movement: The movement of the speaker cone during operation causes air turbulence within the enclosure, which can disturb settled dust particles and push them into the voice coil gap.
  • Electrostatic Attraction: In some cases, dust particles become statically charged and adhere to components like the voice coil and magnet, leading to debris buildup in this area over time.
  • Environmental Factors: Speakers placed in dusty environments, such as workshops or areas with poor air quality, are more likely to accumulate dust in hard-to-reach places like between a speaker’s voice coils gap due to regular acoustic activity around them.
  • Aging Components: As speakers age, materials used for their construction may start deteriorating, resulting in the generation of fine particles that eventually find their way inside the voice coil gap, causing a buildup of debris there as well.

Common Issues Caused by a Dirty Voice Coil Gap:

Here are some effects you may find after having a dirty voice coil gap:

  • Distorted Sound Quality: Accumulated dirt or debris in the voice coil gap can interfere with the movement of the voice coil resulting in muffled or unclear sound quality.
  • Reduced Speaker Efficiency: Dirt or debris in the gap increases power demand, which can lead to lower overall sound output and require higher volume levels. 
  • Frequency Response Irregularities: Debris or dirt may disrupt the voice coil’s smooth movement, resulting in imbalances within audio reproduction and affecting tonal accuracy. 
  • Mechanical Wear and Tear: Over time, accumulated dirt leads to increased friction and premature aging of components like magnets and voice coils, resulting in possible mechanical failures or reduced longevity of speakers.
  • Heat Buildup: Voice coils unable to move freely due to dirt accumulation generate excess heat during operation, leading to thermal stress on components, potentially causing damage/reduced lifespan for speakers.

8 Steps to Clean the Voice Coil Gap Effectively:

Follow the below steps to clean the subwoofer voice coil gap properly:

1. Gather the Required Tools:

Before you begin, please ensure you have the following tools:

  • Soft-bristled brush or compressed air canister
  • Isopropyl alcohol or specialized cleaning solution (specifically designed for audio equipment)
  • Cotton swabs or lint-free cloth
  • Tweezers (if necessary)
  • Screwdriver or any required tool for removing the audio device’s components (if applicable)

2. Disconnect the Subwoofer Speaker:

It is essential to disconnect the speaker from the power source before cleaning the voice coil gap, as this will reduce any risk of electrical shock and avoid any potential damage to your speaker.

Additionally, touching or changing components inside the subwoofer while it is powered up may cause a short circuit in the form of an electric shock.

3. Remove the Necessary Components (If Required):

Some subwoofers may require you to remove specific components, such as the speaker grille or the protective cover, to access the voice coil gap to access the targeted area.

You can refer to the device’s user manual or manufacturer’s instructions to determine if any disassembly is necessary.

4. Dust and Debris Removal:

Now, you should use a soft-bristled brush or compressed air canister. Gently remove any visible dust and debris from the area. Avoid applying excessive force or touching the voice coil, as it is delicate and sensitive.

Additionally, be sure to take great care when cleaning near friction points like screws, nuts, etc., so as not to damage them. After cleaning with these methods, check for any remaining dust particles before concluding your clean-up process.

5. Cleaning the Voice Coil Gap:

To clean the voice coil gap:

  1. Dampen a cotton swab or lint-free cloth with isopropyl alcohol or a specialized cleaning solution.
  2. Gently insert the swab into the hole and carefully wipe away any dirt or residue.
  3. Be careful not to apply too much pressure, as this may cause damage to your audio equipment.
  4. Use only a tiny amount of liquid at all times.
  5. Once the area has been wiped down, let it dry naturally before using it again for optimal results.

6. Handling Stubborn Dirt or Debris:

You can also handle stubborn dirt or debris when cleaning the voice coil gap. Use tweezers or a soft brush to dislodge them gently. Once again, take extra care not to exert too much force and avoid damaging any components in the process.

After removing any leftover particles, place a drop of lubricant between the gap to ensure proper performance and longevity.

7. Allow the Voice Coil Gap to Dry:

Now, you should give the voice coil gap sufficient time to dry completely after cleaning. Applying solvents or other liquids can cause damage if they come into contact with the device’s circuitry and components, so any leftover moisture must be removed.

You can do this by leaving the coil gap undisturbed in a dry location for several hours or overnight, ensuring that all traces of moisture have evaporated before continuing the use of the audio device.

8. Reassemble the Audio Device:

Once the voice coil gap is cleaned, it’s time to reassemble the audio device. Carefully refer to the user manual or manufacturer’s instructions to do this correctly.

Start by reconnecting any components that had been previously disassembled and ensure that all connections are secure. Then check for loose screws, fasten them properly, and ensure speaker wires are connected securely.

Finally, perform a test run and adjust settings accordingly if needed, ensuring you have a clean sound without any static noise.

Things to Keep Subwoofer Voice Coil From Being Dirty Again:

Following the below tips will help your voice coil to work optimally for years:

  • Establish a Regular Cleaning Schedule: Ensure that you clean the voice coil gap of your subwoofer at least once every few months or as the manufacturer recommends to keep it free of dirt and dust accumulation.
  • Implement Protective Measures: Put protective measures in place, such as using speaker grilles or covers to shield the voice coil area when not in use so that less dust and dirt can enter. Keep the subwoofer covered when not in use for added protection against debris and other contaminants.
  • Provide Adequate Ventilation: Ensure your subwoofer has proper ventilation to prevent excessive heat buildup, which can accumulate dirt on your voice coils over time. Avoid placing it in enclosed spaces blocking its ventilation ports too.
  • Optimal Placement Considerations: Try to place the subwoofer away from sources of contamination, such as high-traffic areas like hallways or entryways where more debris gets flung around often. Also, keep it elevated slightly from floor-level contact with ground debris too! Additionally, avoid installation in humid/damp places where moisture buildup may occur, which could contribute significantly towards attracting contaminants into the voice coil and cause damage.

How to Clean the Voice Coil Gap Using the Piece of Tape?

Another best way to clean the voice coil gap is by using tape and the 360-degree rotation method. Remove the dust cap or center dome from the speaker to clean the hole.

Then, you cut a narrow strip of tape long enough to reach the voice coil former. Carefully insert one end of the tape between the inside of the former and the magnet pole piece.

Hold the free end of the tape and inch it down deeper into the voice coil gap, covering the entire circumference. Next, rotate the tape 360 degrees to dislodge any loose dirt or debris that may be trapped.

Finally, carefully pull out the tape and examine it to see if it has effectively captured any dirt. If necessary, repeat the process until the voice coil gap is clean. Once satisfied with the cleaning, reattach the dust cap or center dome onto the speaker.

General FAQs

How Often Should I Clean the Voice Coil Gap?

The voice coil gap should be cleaned every six months to ensure optimal sound quality. Cleaning it gently with a dry cloth is recommended; other cleaning methods could cause damage.

Are There Any Risks Involved in Cleaning the Voice Coil Gap?

Yes, there are risks involved with cleaning the voice coil gap. It can be hard to reach if you don’t have the right tools, and you may cause permanent damage to your speaker.

How Do You Fix a Voice Coil Rubbing?

To fix a voice coil rubbing, clean or align the gap between the voice coil and magnet. Adjust the gap using a ruler so it’s uniform and debris-free. This should stop any rubbings induced by dirt or misalignments.

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